撮影日時 :1987年11月15日
公用語 : フランス語, 部族語
宗教 : イスラム教, キリスト教, その他の民族宗教
通貨 : ギニア・フラン
電気 :220V,50c/s しばし停電。
ギニア入国に際してのWHO の勧告:
Yellow Fever
Country requirement: a yellow fever vaccination certificate is required from all travellers
over 9 months of age.
Malaria risk due predominantly to P. falciparum exists throughout the year in the
whole country. Resistance to chloroquine and sulfadoxine-pyrimethamine reported.
Recommended prevention: Mosquito bite prevention plus atovaquone-proguanil
chemoprophylaxis doxycycline or mefloquine (select according to reported resistance pattern)
Rabies risk: High risk. pre-exposure immunization recommended for travellers and other
people for whom contact with domestic animals particularly dogs and other rabiesvectors is likely.